The need for community, co-operation and a collective response could not be greater at this time of global shift. From war, famine, refugees to the cost of living, climate change and mental and physical health challenges, we are a world in crisis.
It is time for all of us to move from being armchair spectators of these disasters that continue to unfold on our screens and in our streets and take action now.
What will your contribution be?
My expertise is in personal transformation, helping nurture mature spiritual seekers and practitioners.
People who have their feet on the ground, who understand there is a greater purpose to us being here at this time of transition and that we bear responsibility to ourselves and to others to serve to the best of our ability.
As a former BBC journalist turned psychotherapist and now a medium and a spiritual teacher I walk the uncomfortable edge between the two worlds; the seen and the unseen.
Our task, as I see it, is to live more from our soul and not our personality and come together from a place of universal truth and integrity.
This is the reason I created Soulful Solutions.
You can join me on this journey through my Soul Power Programme or through individual and group mentoring sessions.
Soul Power is a personal transformation programme for professional women who want to step up into their authentic power and contribute from a happier, healthier place.
It will lift you out of your confusion and teach you how to be powerful in a balanced way, connecting you to your spiritual essence so you can be authentically you. This means to have more choice and freedom to live a life of your own making.
© Lindsay Percival 2025 | All Rights Reserved