Soul Power: The Path to Wholeness

Soul Power is a personal transformation programme for professional women who know they're on a spiritual mission and must step up into their authentic power if they're to achieve their full potential.

Do you feel like you're caught on a hamster wheel?

You know there's more to life, and you know what makes you happy, but you feel trapped by endless ‘to do’ lists and juggling too many responsibilities at home and at work. Or maybe you suddenly have too much time on your hands and you still feel there is something more to accomplish?

You may have some short term goals, mid-term ones even, but the bigger picture seems like a distant dream, beyond your reach and best left to Disney.

Yet deep down inside you know your soul is calling you to action

Think of all that hard work you have done on yourself, all the challenges you have overcome, all that time and effort you’ve invested in getting to where you are now. Amazing!

You are passionate about what you do, bringing good into the world. You are an expert in your field but you deserve to be healthy and happy too!

Learn how to harness the energy of your soul to guide your life

This programme will help you take a quantum leap to get to the next level in the game of life, with your health, wealth and wellbeing as your priority, and your soul’s calling leading the way.

Who is the Soul Power programme for?

Soul Power is a personal transformation programme for successful women, who are already experts in their field, and who want to answer their soul’s calling to make a difference in the world, but lack the time, money, focus or confidence to make it happen.

This course is suitable for women who;

This course is not suitable for women who;

 Are open to change

X Are not open to change

 Are motivated to work on themselves

X Have serious mental health challenges

 Are willing to authentically share and support others

X Often find themselves in conflict with themselves and with others

If this is you choose Soul Power Mentoring

If this is you choose Psychotherapy *

* Please note Lindsay no longer offers individual psychotherapy sessions. Please refer to the UKCP for help finding a suitable therapist.

The Soul Power programme is delivered in 3 modules

Soul Awakening

The first part looks at the Soul’s Awakening, which often occurs through trauma. Here you'll have help and guidance in understanding your personal pain, how it's affected you, and how you can transform and transcend it to help yourself and others. 

It's important to understand that this isn't a substitute for psychotherapy.

Soul Searching

The second part is Soul Searching. This is where you start to understand more about your spiritual calling and start to listen to your soul’s guidance by learning the language of intuition.

This part is where the head and the heart come into greater alignment and you learn how to harness the energy of your soul to guide your life.

Soul Power

This third part is where you begin to feel your energy, confidence and commitment grow as you connect to your passion to drive your spiritual mission forward. 

Here you will learn to respect yourself more and acknowledge your own needs, wants and desires without letting guilt, confusion and self-criticism drain your energy.

Your Soul Power Plan

By the end of the programme you'll put together a Soul Power Action Plan which will serve as a framework for the future, full of resources and insights you've gained, including practical self-care for the soul. You'll also discover how to take your spiritual mission forward after the programme with peer group support and access to the wider Soul Power community.

Where, when and how?

Online learning + group mentoring calls

The programme begins with a group welcome and orientation call. The group mentoring calls then continue weekly over 7 weeks. All the calls are hosted on Zoom.

You'll also have access to a private online group where you can exchange ideas and experiences, ask for and offer support to your fellow group members, and share the journey as you work through the material and calls together. 

CPD certificates can be provided where needed and a certificate of completion.

Now is the time!

Women need a collective, safe space to be seen, heard and to discuss. This programme - and the follow up peer group support - are the gateway to a community of like-minded souls where you'll be encouraged and guided to achieve your personal and spiritual best.

What will the results look like?

You'll see the results immediately on signing up to the programme. How can I confidently say that without it sounding like a sales pitch? Because it's a fact; energy flows where your intention goes.

By joining the programme you're making clear your intention to align with your soul’s calling - by consciously acknowledging the spiritual dimension to your work. 

Your mission won't be complete without you working on yourself too!

Are you ready? Let's go...

Booking will open later in the year for the programme beginning in September.
If you'd like to be notified by email when registration opens, click the button below to subscribe to the mailing list.

NB: This programme is not a replacement for nor can be seen as psychotherapy. Nor is it a programme that results in a qualification to become a healer, therapist or medium.

Would you like some 1-1 mentoring from me alongside the group calls?

There are two options:

Option One: 2 x 1-hour mentoring calls over the course of the programme.

Option Two: 4 x 1-hour mentoring calls over the course of the programme.

Or by arrangement if you'd like to discuss a different number of calls and/or timeframe. These mentoring options become available once you've had your introductory call and you can ask about them during that call.

Here's what they're saying...

The Path to Wholeness

This Soul Power programme will lift you out of your confusion and teach you how to be powerful in a balanced way, connecting you to your spiritual essence so you can be authentically you. 

This means to have more choice and freedom to live a life of your own making.

If you have any questions about the programme and whether it's right for you, please contact me and I'll be happy to talk them through with you.

© Lindsay Percival 2024 | All Rights Reserved