Soulful Solutions for a Changing World

The need for community, co-operation and a collective response could not be greater at this time of global shift. From war, famine, refugees to the cost of living, climate change and mental and physical health challenges, we are a world in crisis. 

It is time for all of us to move from being armchair spectators of these disasters that continue to unfold on our screens and in our streets and take action now. 

What will your contribution be?

Our task, as I see it, is to live more from our soul and not our personality and come together from a place of universal truth and integrity. 

This is the reason I created Soulful Solutions.

You can join me on this journey through my Soul Power Programme or through individual and group mentoring sessions.

Soul Power: The Path to Wholeness

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© Lindsay Percival 2024 | All Rights Reserved